What makes Biokreis honey special?
Although bees are livestock, they live in the wild. Within a radius of up to four kilometers they fly to all flowers that are attractive to them.
Because bees make no distinction between wild flowers, organic fields and conventionally cultivated areas, undesirable substances can also get into the honey.
Minimizing these is the top priority of organic beekeeping at Biokreis.
For this purpose, wax and honey are regularly examined at all Biokreis beekeepers. Biokreis's residue analysis is the strictest in the organic sector.
The Biokreis quality
Organic beekeeping
attitude accordingly the biology and nature of the bee colony
The home of the bees, the hive, must only consist of natural material.
All remedies against possible diseases or parasites, such as Varroa, may only consist of natural raw materials.
Self-regulation and self-healing is the guiding principle of all measures.
Chemicals of all kinds, including cleaning agents, are prohibited.
The feeding happens only with honey and organic sugar.
animal welfare
Wherever possible, bees are kept on organically farmed land and in natural areas.
Chemical residues in the bee colony must be controlled and minimized.
The withdrawal of the honey must not endanger the health of the bees.
Queen mutilation and artificial insemination are prohibited.
Particular attention is paid to the regulation of heat and humidity in the beehive.
control of the products
The honey is treated so gently that all valuable components are preserved .
Storage in plastic is limited to what is necessary.
A regular, in-depth and comprehensive analysis after independent sampling is mandatory.

Strong together - for bees and nature
As a nationwide organic association, we at Biokreis have been committed to healthy food since 1979 from organic production. Our members are committed to high quality standards to comply with We stand for class instead of mass - nothing will change in the future!
Together with our beekeepers, we meet this requirement every day with life. Our motivation: We want the best food from the region, which is created in harmony with nature and the bees.
Biokreis eV
Association for Organic Farming and
healthy nutrition eV
Stelzhof 1 - 94034 Passau
Phone: 08 51 / 7 56 50-0
info@biokreis.de - www.biokreis.de

What is regional & fair?
Fairly produced and traded foods such as coffee, tea or bananas have so far often only been known as products from "developing countries".
Of course, the circumstances in these countries cannot be compared with the situation in Germany.
However, due to political and economic circumstances, it is also becoming increasingly difficult for producers and food processors in Germany to achieve cost-covering or even profitable prices for their products.
This is particularly true in the area of organic food production, since the cost structures here are often higher than those of conventional products.
In the Biokreis we offer fair partnerships in the region a sensible form of organization that stabilizes and maintains the relationships between the respective market partners in the long term.
With our regional & fair certification, ecology, regionality and social criteria form a unit.
Local producers achieve fair prices, which not only ensure cost recovery, but also secure the livelihoods of the families involved and provide capital for investments. Processors, restaurateurs and retailers benefit from the direct purchase of high-quality raw materials and personal contact with the farmers, which enables partnership-based purchase agreements that include binding prices and quality assurance measures.
Reliable cooperation and negotiation on an equal footing go hand in hand with environmental protection and economic responsibility both for their region and for fair working conditions for their employees.
Since it was founded more than 30 years ago, the Biokreis has attached great importance to regional economic cycles and the participation of all members in the design of fair value chains.
The regional & fair certification launched in 2007 is another logical step in this direction.
Only excellent organic companies that show special social and ecological commitment are allowed to use this logo.
Franz Strobl Chairman of the Board of Biokreis eV